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textual data中文是什么意思

用"textual data"造句"textual data"怎么读"textual data" in a sentence


  • 正文数据


  • For textual data
  • The contains predicate supports rich syntax to search columns with textual data for
  • Having made this change , all textual data that you fetch from your db2 instance will be utf - 8 encoded
    完成这样的更改后,从db2实例取到的所有文本数据都是utf - 8编码的。
  • Object to read data , to write data , to append data to a file , and to work with either binary or textual data
  • To make this possible , you should separate textual data from codes , and separate codes relating to cultural convention from the basic application that deals with business logic
  • You can greatly enhance the efficiency of localization if you provide all the textual data in a uniform format , such as the oasis xml localisation interchange file format xliff
    如果使用统一的格式提供文本数据,例如oasis xml本地化交换文件格式( xliff ) ,那么这会极大地提高全球化的效率。
  • Localization refers to the generation of code that supports globalization features by translating textual data and setting culture - related configurations , such as name and address formats
    本地化代表通过转换文本数据、设计与文化相关的配置(例如名称和地址格式) ,生成支持全球化特性的代码的过程。
  • To make this theory practical , this tip will demonstrate some realistic uses of sax ; i ll focus primarily on elements and textual data , as these are the most common use - cases of xml
  • It can run in all language versions and can invoke the corresponding textual data and culture - sensitive codes that generate a user interface to meet the current user locale s requirements
  • Developers writing programs for processing textual data have two general sources and targets to choose from : files and streams we will leave sockets out of the picture for the sake of simplifying our discourse
    开发人员编写用于处理文本数据的程序时要涉及到选择两个一般的源和目标:文件和流(为了简化本文,我们将不考虑套接字) 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"textual data"造句  
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